Audience Targeting through Location & Product Keywords

The market can be targeted by Keywords Segmentation. That means, the single target market is compartmentalized into small homogeneous groups, and individual digital promotions can be directed at these homogeneous groups. Here, instead of running one digital marketing campaign to the whole and single target market, multiple tailor-made campaigns are run directed at these multiple homogeneous groups.

In Keywords Segmentation, the homogeneous audiences with some identical trait or commonality will be targeted with keywords. Keywords can be differentiated based on Locations, Products, Market Clusters, Product Use Cases, Market Entry Level Stages,  Brands and Sales Promotion.

Location Keywords

The Location Keywords can also be categorised into

  • Local Keywords
  • Regional Keywords
  • Country Specific Keywords
  • Global Keywords

Local Keywords

Local Keywords or City Keywords can be used along with the product name in the website, blog or any content to generate local leads and traffic.

Regional Keywords

Regional Keywords will have product names along with names of new Districts and States in the promotion to attract web traffic from a specific region or a few districts.

Country Specific Keywords

Country Specific Keywords using country-specific keywords are used to attract users from specific countries or even the whole world. You can specifically use each and every country’s name in the promotion so that the search queries with the country’s name will bring your website in Google or other search engine results.

Global Keywords

Global Keywords are open keywords that are used mostly by highly technology intensive companies and multinational corporate companies with presence or serving all over the world. These Global Keywords will take your website to the entire world or global audience. Very competitive and highly expensive, these keywords attract a very big audience to your website if you want to target the global audience.

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Product Keywords

Product Keywords are keywords that mention the name of the product in search or keywords marketing. Types of Product Keywords are:

  • Generic Keywords
  • Niche Keywords
  • Primary Products Keywords
  • Secondary Products Keywords
  • Brand Keywords

Generic Keywords

Generic Keywords are keywords like computers, computer hardware, ERP solutions, etc. You can use Generic Keywords if you want to target a very large audience who search your product using generic keywords like construction equipment, pumps, etc.

Niche Keywords

Niche Keywords are keywords that belong to a specific product category. Example:  earth moving equipment for mining industry. Earthmoving equipment is a generic keyword; but earth moving equipment for mining industry is a Niche Keyword specifically catering to the mining industry. There are multiple types of construction equipment but those serving the mine mining industry will be limited to this niche segment. Use of such Niche Keywords gives a lot of scope for websites that serve this niche segment. Niche Keywords can also be used along with Generic Keywords for your Search Marketing or Keywords Marketing or SEO initiatives.

While Generic Keywords attract a larger audience, Niche Keywords attract audience from the relatively small segment that your product is specialised in but conversion rates will be far superior than Generic Keywords. While for Generic Keywords, the focus is on volume, for Niche Keywords, the focus is on narrow and specific audience.

Primary Products Keywords

If, for example, you are dealing in auto garage equipment, your Primary Products are wheel balancers, wheel alignment machines, tyre changing equipment, high pressure pumps, wet and dry vacuum cleaners, carpet cleaners, hydraulic lifts, washing and painting units, pollution checking equipment, nitrogen filling stations, air compressors,  garage lifts, tyre changers, etc. These are hot and primary products for you because these are the mainstay products that significantly increase your bottomline revenues.

Secondary Products Keywords

Taking the same example of auto garage equipment business, you may have secondary products such as plasma cutters, air tools, angle grinder, brake service tools, construction tools, fuel system tools, hand tools, headlight beam setter, hydraulic press, impact wrenches, jacks, panel beating, pressure washers and pumps, sandblasting equipment, spanner sets, etc. As a distributor, you are also dealing in these Secondary Products as these products give you extra income. The business volume for these Secondary Products may be less, but that there will be customers who buy these products along with the main equipment. There will also be sufficient number of takers for these products. You can use the secondary keywords  in your digital marketing and SEO promotion to make that extra buck.

Brand Keywords

Brand Keywords are mentions of the brands that you are dealing in. For example, if you are a multi-brand mobile phone dealer and you want to promote all the brands, then you will use all the brands that are dealing in.